“Opinion is the medium between knowledge and ignorance.”
‘Awaaz -The Blog’ is an initiative of the Legal Aid Society, Campus Law Centre, University of Delhi. The blog publishes articles with the aim to encourage diverse legal discourse on contemporary social, political, and legal issues, and wishes to create a space where different ideas can come together and converse with each other.
Since the advent of civilization, there has perhaps been no other concept which has, despite being eulogised and idolised, eluded a unanimous definition than ‘justice’. Despite this, the quest towards justice has been a constant and praiseworthy endeavour of a man. Any project which has as its ultimate aim the propagation of justice is undoubtedly a fruitful exercise. For this simple reason, any effort howsoever humble, if it sets its eyes on the noble ideal of justice, is always destined for greatness.
Voicing one’s opinion is indispensable to pursue the path that ultimately leads to knowledge. The choice of a platform to voice an opinion is vital. An incipient opinion requires an uplifting and unprejudiced platform. A worthy platform empowers the reader by fostering an environment of critical thinking, and sharpens the writer’s mind by presenting diverse viewpoints and converting simple conversations into erudite discussions.
It is these thoughts that motivated us to launch ‘Awaaz- The Blog’. We seek to emphasize the importance of socially relevant legal education and its recognition as a sine qua non for the proper dispensation of justice. Professor Upendra Baxi, an Indian jurist, has substantially focused on the importance of the interaction of law with its inter-disciplinary domains for a radical transformation of legal education in India. Imbibing the same values, the Editorial Team of ‘Awaaz- The blog’ aims to promote research inculcation and offer critical insights through academic scholarship so that law students can feel at home in academia, a sphere that has often been out of their reach.
‘Awaaz -The Blog’ holds the vision to mainstream the concept of socially relevant legal education by educating readers on important issues of our dynamic social and legal environment. We welcome analytical and thought-provoking contributions from students across varsities, academicians across disciplines, and legal practitioners across jurisdictions.

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